Plandek vs Jira reporting

Plandek improves upon Jira reporting dashboard to help teams, managers and technology leaders drive performance improvement and accelerate value delivery.

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Plandek’s key improvements on Jira reporting

Plandek integrates across your SDLC toolchain

Unlike Jira, Plandek provides visibility from design to delivery to live by integrating across your toolchain.

This allows Team Leads to get more insight around the Pull Requests, deployments and builds related to the work that their team is focussing on.

This allows tech leadership to track and drive improvement across the SDLC to accelerate value delivery.

Plandek integrations
Jira reporting vs Plandek

Plandek provides insight at all levels in your organisation

Plandek works across complex organisations allowing you to model the data from all these tools in the way that fits your structure, whereas Jira silos how you can report.

Align and manage success and challenges across your organisation with a shared view of the SDLC. We understand that every team within an organisation can be different, which is why Plandek offers flexibility at a team level while still maintaining transparency throughout the organisation.

Plandek provides powerful insight not available from Jira

Plandek’s ability to track increments of work across your DevOps toolset enables it to provide crucial insight not available in Jira custom reports. Examples include:

Plandek vs Jira reporting

Why users love Plandek

Plandek’s additional key features

Plandek - Cost Planned Work vs Cost Unplanned Work

Plandek's custom time series API enables you to ingest HR, customer and financial data

Plandek custom time series API enables you to surface multiple data sources and combine them with your SDLC data.

This includes financial, HR and customer data, for example, so you can create DevFinOps metrics and much more.

Plandek's SmartView intelligent analytics increases velocity and improves delivery forecasting

Plandek SmartView analyses the complete ticket history of a team to identify anomalies that require action. Examples include stuck tickets, PR delays, QA issues and many more.

SmartView’s prescriptive analytics capability provides sprint and epic delivery risk coefficients and identifies mitigation actions for improved forecasting and on-time delivery.

Enhanced SmartView for Sprints and Epics dashboard

Jira reporting vs Plandek comparison table

Jira Plandek
Complete end-to-end analytics across your DevOps toolset
A 'single pane of glass' to surface all the metrics you need to accelerate value delivery - from CIO to Team Lead
Highly customisable dashboards and super-configurable metrics for every use case
Surface the widest range of delivery and engineering metrics (including the DORA and Flow metrics)
Stack-agnostic - works across Jira instances, Azure and other DevOps toolsets
Proprietary SmartView intelligent analytics to identify sprint and epic blockers in real-time and improve forecasting and on-time delivery
Ability to ingest multiple data sources (e.g. financial, HR and customer data) to create DevFinOps and other metrics
Customer success resources available to support you in the use of metrics across your organisation

Unlock the power of data with Plandek's intelligent insights

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Plandek SmartDelivery: start your free 30-day trial now

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Plandek Enterprise: the complete engineering intelligence platform

Enterprise-level intelligent analytics to accelerate your roadmap delivery, improve delivery capability & communicate better with stakeholders.

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