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Sprint Delivery Guide – 2

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2. Integrated Sprint Velocity analysis

Plandek’s Sprint Velocity analytics capability enables a more complete analysis of your Sprint effectiveness in a single ‘super metric’.

It shows five key elements in a single view:

  1. Your average Sprint Velocity over the past five Sprints (in completed story points).
  2. A Sprint Volatility measure based on variance in velocity over the time period.
  3. A measure of Sprint Completion (the percentage of story points (or tickets) completed versus planned).
  4. A measure of Carried Over Work (% of story points carried over from the previous Sprint).
  5. A measure of Story Points Change (% of story points introduced/removed after Sprints have started, thus changing the work done during the Sprint).

When considered together (e.g. at stand-ups or retrospectives), teams can get a complete picture of their ability to accurately deliver their Sprint goals and the amount of real ‘progress’ being made in the light of work being carried over from Sprint to Sprint.

Plandek screenshot showing example Sprint Velocity ‘super metric’ high-level view
Plandek screenshot showing example Sprint Velocity ‘super metric’ high-level view
2. Integrated Sprint Velocity analysis

The Scope Change drill-down enables teams to see exactly which tickets have been added or removed from Sprints. It integrates fully with underlying workflow management tools (e.g. Jira) to click through and investigate the tickets themselves.

Plandek screenshot showing example Sprint Velocity ‘super metric’ - Gross Scope Change breakdown
Plandek screenshot showing example Sprint Velocity ‘super metric’ - Gross Scope Change breakdown

The Scope Change can also be viewed as a percentage of total story points in the Sprint to gauge the relative impact of the scope change on the ability to deliver the overall Sprint goals.