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Agile Roadmap Delivery Guide – 2

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2. Taking a holistic view of Agile roadmap delivery

Accelerating road-map delivery is the core objective of Agile DevOps. It requires all elements of the delivery process to work effectively together. A ‘balanced scorecard’ of metrics is necessary, which takes a holistic view of measuring and assessing value delivery.

In our view, these metrics should answer two critical questions which relate to efficient value delivery, as illustrated in the figure below:

Illustration of the dual approach of focus and effectiveness to track value delivery
Illustration of the dual approach of focus and effectiveness to track value delivery
  1. Is our technology team focused on our highest priority/value-creating initiatives? i.e., is it aligned with our strategic goals/roadmap?
  2. And if so, is our technology team delivering as efficiently as possible?

If the answer to both these questions is objectively ‘yes’ – then we are doing all we can to accelerate efficient roadmap delivery (and therefore maximise value delivery as we assume that what you have prioritised in your roadmap is of the highest strategic value to your organisation).