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Improve engineering efficiency with the Plandek DORA PRO dashboard

Combine data from your DevOps toolsets for a new level of end-to-end insight. Surface key DORA metrics and related DevOps and agile metrics to rapidly improve your delivery effectiveness.

Download our DORA metrics Whitepaper to learn more or see the Plandek DORA metrics dashboard by signing up for a free account.

Super-easy, cost-free setup

Plandek - DORA dashboard

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Transform your DORA and Agile DevOps metrics

Time to Value

Deployment Frequency

Escaped Defects

Sprint Accuracy

Flow Efficiency

Plandek’s out-of-the-box dashboards surface powerful DORA, DevOps and related Agile delivery metrics

What are the four key DORA metrics?

Create a customised DORA dashboard to track and drive improvement and benchmark against other organisations – or simply use our out-the-box DORA PRO dashboard.

Plandek - DORA metrics dashboard - Deployment Frequency

Deployment Frequency

Deployment Frequency tracks the frequency with which increments of code are deployed to staging, testing and production.

Plandek mines data from the many stages of code deployment and delivers accessible visual reports straight to your customisable DORA dashboard.

Mean Time to Restore

Mean Time to Restore measures the time it takes to restore service after a failure in production.

As an incident-based metric, Mean Time to Restore is an important tool that should make up a larger incident management system. Plandek supports the implementation of this metric – and these systems – by enabling users to customise the identified stages of incident management.

Plandek - DORA metrics dashboard - Mean Time to Restore
Plandek - DORA metrics dashboard - Lead Time for Changes

Lead Time for Changes

Lead Time for Changes tracks the time code takes to go from committed to successfully running in production.

This metric is often lumped together with Cycle Time. Plandek, however, isolates it as an essential piece of information that gives organisations the depth and visibility they need regarding the intersection of Time to Merge and Time to Deploy.

Change Failure Rate

Using Plandek’s real-time insights and predictive analytics, leaders can identify and isolate potential pain points in the software delivery life cycle. This way, Plandek enables teams to learn from their retrospectives and avoid production losses in the future.

Plandek - DORA metrics dashboard - Change Failure Rate

Download the DORA metrics Whitepaper

This Whitepaper provides a practical guide for software delivery teams to adopt the DORA metrics, including a clear definition of the DORA metrics and why they matter, how you can surface accurate DORA metrics with minimal effort, and provide you with a simple approach to implementing the DORA metrics across teams.

Top-rated for our software development analytics on G2

Get started with Plandek's DORA PRO dashboards & explore new engineering metrics to track

Accelerate your roadmap delivery & improve delivery capability with Plandek. Gain access to over 50+ metrics, OTB dashboards (incl DORA PRO and many more) & custom configurations to build the insights you need.

Free technical POC available for Enterprise features.